Business Services

List of Services

What do you see in the image above?  

When I came across this tree on a hike, I immediately took a picture because it reminds me of how challenging growth can be.  Some trees are going to find growing roots in soil easy.  This tree, however, had to work very hard to send energy to it's roots because they had A LONG WAY to grow to reach soil.  

Humans are no different.  You have employees that have to spend a lot of energy to make changes or see growth.  They need support along the way.  I am that support.  I will coach them through job transitions, communication skill acquisition, management style awareness, or any challenges that might get in the way of growth for your company.  

There are company sponsored coaching packages for your employees and I will even offer a discount for your first investment in me as your company coach.  I will coach five of your employees for five sessions.  You compensate me what it is worth.  If you see value and growth in your employees as a result of our coaching sessions, you pay me what you think the value of the growth is.  After that, we can discuss future packages that will continue to serve the needs of your company and it's employees.

Free Consultation

Get company coaching agreement paperwork

Establish with Dana your coaching goals for your company employees

Time for questions/answers about the coaching process

Learn about Dana's coaching style and see if it meets your company's needs

Have your employees schedule future coaching sessions

30-minute Sponsored Coaching Sessions

Sign and submit coaching agreement paperwork to Dana

Schedule a time that works best for you

Use zoom link for coaching session

Establish session path